Is Shake Shack halal?

Burgers, Uncategorized

Shake Shack is one of the most popular franchise burger chains in the world. There have been numerous sources that have stated that Shake Shack uses Creekstone beef. Unfortunately, Creekstone is not the sole supplier of beef to Shake Shack in the US, so there is no guarantee that your burger at Shake Shack is actually halal. Here’s the official response from the corporate Twitter account to multiple inquiries from Muslim foodies:

Saqib Shafi of the famed MuslimEater blog also has a couple of articles about Shake Shack, which includes direct emails from the company saying much the same thing. These articles are no longer available on, but we have provided Internet Archive links and PDF copies below for posterity.

  • Shake Shack Is Not Halal in the US, But Some Day Could It Be? (9 November 2014, Saqib Shafi) | Link | PDF
  • Shake Shack Says They Are Not Halal In Chicago Or The US, Here’s Why They Need To Be (26 December 2014, Saqib Shafi) | Link | PDF